Pricing / Contact
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$1.00 Per Inch
on all fish replicas quoted this month.
FREE engraved name plates for kids!
ONLY $80
Required to Start Work
Personal checks accepted, or Visa, Discover, Amex or MasterCard via Paypal or phone.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Price is related to delivery time and fish species.
Fish start with $80 deposit. Always custom painted on both sides.
60 Day Delivery on Largemouth Bass. 90 Days on other Fish.
Other Pricing
Driftwood available starting at $45.
Habitats starting at $85 (fish always painted on both sides)
Shipping, Packaging & Insurance Via FedEx Ground.
Up to 38 inches: $48. Above 24 inches add $.50 per inch
Payment Options
Pay online with the following:
Contact Us
Contact American Fish Taxidermy today! We will discuss how we can help you.