Fish mounts are custom painted fish replicas. You will discover that fish mounts have unique replica patterns. Your fish mounts come from your photos which are enlarged on the iPad durign the fish replica painting process.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, Always - on quality, detail and custom paint or all money paid will be promptly refunded!
Museum quality replicas are perfect for custom painted fiberglass fish replicas or fish reproductions. Our scale detail and body conformation is so good that sports writers and anglers can't determine if our fish replicas are fiberglass reproductions or real.
Award winning fiberglass fish reproductions are cast from perfect specimens. Fish eyes are the best in taxidermy, re-created by using high-definition photography to fuse the natural image into accurately shaped lens. Fish replica fins are museum quality and transparent.
Museum quality fish mounts involve many steps. We take the extra step to assure your fish is carefully crafted and painted. Experienced in using fish taxidermy acrylics, we blend special pearls, metallics, iridescents and translucents to bring your fish to life.
Our modern studio is a family business - two generations of taxidermists. Our business ethics are first class. Send us your bass, muskie, trout or salmon dimensions. If the fish taxidermy is not shipped by agreed date, then we'll pay you $5 per day.
Over 140 Species have been personally painted for museums, nature centers, governments, schools and sportsmen within 5 years.