Custom painted from your photos replica fiberglass fish reproductions for catch and release fishing all delivered in 60 days for bass 90 days for other fish.
Custom Painted To Your Photo
Tips For Taking Photos of Your Fish
Photos allow us to custom paint your fish reproduction. More importantly, we can determine first hand what color phase the fish was in. Some details on certain fish species will change depending on what time of year it is. With a good photo, we can accurately recreate these details.
Sun Position
Always keep the sun over your shoulder when you take fish pictures. Even if you have to position the boat. A picture with the sun shining on the fish will highlight great detail.
Highlighting The Fish
Great photographs highlight the fish over the fisherman. This picture is a good example of how holding a fish out towards the camera will allow the picture to capture the moment. Again notice that the fish is the subject, not the fisherman.
Largemouth Bass
Trout & Salmon
Pike & Muskie
Crappie & Bluegill
Striped Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Chinook or King Salmon
Coho or Silver Salmon
Lake Trout
Northern Habitat
Brown Trout
Crappie Habitat with Baitfish
Trout with Rock Habitat
Wall Driftwood and Habitats
Brown Trout
Brown Trout